
Ajay's Views

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

India Today .... Tomorrow

It seems that the definition for Democracy has changed. The basic definition “By the people, for the people, of the people” seemed to have changed to “Bye the People, Far the people, and Off the people”. Death of democracy and hence, that of Indian future is ahead … if v have politicians of this kind. For the past 7 weeks, government hasn’t shown concern for the protestors on the streets.

These dumb politicians must be kicked out of the political realm. In his recent interview, Arjun Singh's words clearly show that he doesn't have the least idea of the need or effects of reservations for OBC's in India. If Arjun Singh doesn’t know why this decision was taken .. what the survey figures are... one really wonders why he is acting as the HRD minister. The future of the nation is in the hands of those, who hardly know how to do their job and who just knew how to INTRODUCE POLITICS everywhere.

Reservations should have a shrinking formula in the long run as well as it should only be stringently implemented at the primary level of education. But, things seem to be in the other way. Thank god – I’m in the last stage of my education. But, I pity the next generation. I don’t know how the next generation is going to cope up with this reservation system. I’m worried about my kid’s future. I wonder where your children will be placed!!!!!

If things continue in the same way, there comes a day where the talented doesn’t have the chance to prove their talent. Every organization will be filled with the idiots. The talented remain helpless. Then, the government will pass a bill in the parliament to provide reservation for the TALENTED. Keep waiting for that day !!!

If the politicians go on increasing the reservation system in India, BRAIN DRAIN will also take place. At present, the great politicians might not be thinking about that. The real talented will leave this country 2 our idiotic politicians and search for the path where the recruitment will not be based on reservations (Jobs Abroad). It’s really funny 2 hear our politicians (in their speech) asking our dynamic young generation to stay back in India. If the politicians implement such nasty decisions (increasing the reservation %), how can they expect the talented to stay back in this great country?

For the recent Arjun Singh's interview follow this link

U can find his recklesseness and careless answers to some straightforward, yet important questions. Our politicians are least bothered about the country. 55% of total Indian population is under 25. 80% is under 40 years of age. We are a young and resurgent nation. Show that the young mass of India is going to take the future of India in its hands.

Arise and awake.. Throw these selfish, greedy, ignorant, old politicians out. A revolution... Total revolution is needed. Stand up and take future in your hand.. have only one passion.. Rise of the great nation.. A nation where merit counts irrespective of caste and creed.. a nation where everyone is given equal opportunity …. where quality education with good infrastructure for all talented is available.


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