Dharmarajan Ramaswamy
Dharmarajan Ramaswamy - joined Kanbay along with me on July 21st 2006. We completed training (FLP) in Kanbay JVP office (Madhapur). Last friday was his last working day in my organization. Just sharing my relation with him in a different way !!!
Dharma .... here you go ... take this ....!!!
You are a whizkid -
having an attitude of a kid
You wish to open every lid -
to know what is present in it.
YSR Corruption - Obama Election
Lashkare Connection - Cricket Collection
ask for anything - You have everything
You shared everything - when we want only something.
You tortured me with your web-links
You irritated me with your statistics
I thought of killing you in JVP
But, controlled myself as you are my FLP.
We all joined one FLP
And then, you were the only one in JVP
Now that, you have decided to move out
We are all ready to kick you without any doubt.
You are well-known for your BP
especially when you say - "I don't have BP"
By the way how is JVP ?
From now on, it should be HAPPY.
Wishing you a very good luck in your future endeavours !!!
Maaama Super.... Dharma , wish u all the best things in life ahead ....
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